The Witness

Let not these words fall upon hardened hearts.

By those who can neither see nor hear.

They are reflections of the deep, of beasts of the Earth.

For they will not understand, nor should they.

These things are not hard to grasp, they are the most fundamental.

Blessed be the Name, who reigns forever!

Who is the cause of all, yet is caused by none.

There is no lie in Him, evil flees from before His face.

Blessed are those who know their creator.

Blessed are those who walk in truth and righteousness.

What horrors there are to behold in our world.

How many have considered it a curse to be the son of man?

Both in this day and in the many days that have passed.

The sun has borne witness to countless generations,

The moon is a faint glimmer of hope for those in the darkness

We clamor and stumble in the dark.

Indeed, a darkness haunts the Earth,

A cloud of unknowing has bewitched us.

We are clothed in that which struggles against death itself.

How long shall our breath stay in our body?

Adonai, what horror I felt when I came upon the truth.

You revealed to my eyes that what I had loved was a lie!

I cast out my idols, God, for they profaned Your name, which is all holy.

I wept bitterly, for in them I had placed the very fullness of my heart.

Yet I also felt into the depths of my bosom that great pain of emptiness.

For these constructs of all that is material gave nothing, but took everything.

In that ancient city you broke my fetters, it was the truth that set me free.

For I know that my god is like none other, He need not rule by crook or flail.

“The LORD is my king and I confess no other, even to the grave.”

Why would this simple declaration be contested? And yet it will be!

How can I describe these things? What words are fitting?

Consider two daughters, fair and lovely, and you must choose between them.

You gaze upon the first, Bat Kavod, she is like an emerald upon a silver diadem, and she walks haughtily, for she knows her beauty. She is the daughter of glory, who is greatly desired.

The second is greater, Bat Shalom, she is like twelve jewels upon a golden crown, nevertheless she walks with grace and humility. She is the daughter of peace, who conceals herself.

The fool chooses the first because of her display, but the wise man discerns the second as the greater.

Divine favor rests upon the second; no one chases after her, for they are blinded by the angels.

The first is coveted by all the kings of the Earth, they gather armies and siege engines.

“If only that I would have her, what glory should I gain, what a magnificent boon to attain!”

The King of Babylon has assembled his armies, and the first will not be delivered from him.

Thus the wise man knows that only the second will give him peace with Elohim.

Many have sought the path to her in search of You, O Adonai.

And if one is without humility she shall elude him.

For there is but one road, one path, one ascent.

If we cannot find it, shall we find our salvation in the Asherah pole?

Or upon the altar of Baal? Of course not!

Let the reader discern these words:

For when a great storm comes, the clouds gather as one.

As the tempest grows its end also begins, and yet still it engulfs the land.

When absurdity upon absurdity becomes that which is seen as truth,

In the eye of the storm the foolish will think they are safe!

Indeed, those who have the eyes to see shall see.

Those who have ears to hear will hear it.

Bathe in pure waters, cast off that which defiles the heart and the soul!

Then your spirit will be liberated from the bonds of the nations.

For on that terrible day many will ask “Is our salvation nowhere to be found?”

You will raise your eyes to the heavens and cry aloud.

You will press your head to the ground and plead desperately.

You will make vows and oaths so that you will be delivered.

When the foundations fail and the walls thunderously come crashing down

You will wonder how they ever stood to begin with.

For false prophets’ words are swollen with vain hope,

Their mouths are vessels of destruction for the foolish.

These promises cannot be fulfilled, surely not!

For who knows the course of those things which are the deepest and most inscrutable?

Who should judge their comings and their goings?

Fear not, O believer, for your maker has not forsaken you!

No, rather, you are being brought to Him in His plenitude.

You will go to the Holy Mount, for there a new foundation has been laid.

The walls will tower over you, the house of the God will leave you in awe.

Therefore, gird your loins, for your ascent is fast approaching and it shall not delay.

Know only that the Holy One of Israel has laid the trap.

Who can succeed against the Most High?

He has stirred the nations against Himself, the LORD of Hosts, for there are none like Him.

The storm has already begun, the clouds are gathering as we speak.

Surely you understand what has come to pass?

That these things, marvelous as they are, can happen in the blink of an eye?

Therefore, it is the wise who shall discern the course of life.

It is the humble who will have their eyes opened.

They shall not taste the death which is forever

For they know whose sheep they are.


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